Hörmann : Gates, doors, door frames and drives
Everything from one source in onequality without compromise View Catalogue
Garage sectional doors and industrial gates - your dream door in Hörmann brand quality
The elegant automatic sectional doors open vertically upwards. You gain more space in and in front of the garage - and have the whole passage free. Sectional doors always fit - regardless of whether your garage opening is rectangular or slanted, has a segmental arch or a round arch. That's why they are ideal for retrofitting.
Aluminium front doors in modern design and with maximum thermal insulation
Your new front door should be something special. It should match the style of your house, be representative and thus prove your good taste. However, your front door should also meet high security requirements and help save energy with high thermal insulation values.

Sectional gates:
Efficient thermal insulation
BiSecur radio system
Excellent design
Front doors :
High thermal insulation
High safety
High sound insulation
High stability
Industry - Sectional gates :
Highest scratch resistance
Efficient thermal insulation
Safety and security

Hörmann systems
- Garagentore und Nebentüren
- Garagen-Sectionaltore
- Berry-Schwingtore
- Garagen-Rolltor RollMatic
- Seiten-Sectionaltor HST
- Garagen-Nebentüren
- Sammelgaragentore
- Aluminium-Haustüren :
- ThermoSafe und ThermoCarbon
- Eingangstüren aus Stahl :
- ThermoPro und ThermoPlus
- Vordächer
- Industrie-Sectionaltore
- Schnelllauftore
- Rolltore und Rollgitter
- Sammelgaragentore
- Feuerschutz- Schiebetore
- Hofschiebetore
- Streifenvorhänge
- Pendeltore
- Sporthallentore