Hörmann Sectional Garage Doors 2021

Wind threshold The profile is simply fitted to the floor and seals off the door bottom edge additionally. It prevents the penetration of water across the full door width. The low height ensures barrier-free access. Compensation set for uneven floors The adjustable bottom profile compensates the bottom edge of the door leaf up to a height difference of 20 mm. The set for frame compensation consists of 2.5 mm thick plastic plates, which are positioned to fit perfectly under the frame shoes. Replacement of up-and-over doors When removing an old up-and-over door and fitting a new LPU 42 sectional door, a time-consuming process is often necessary to straighten the ground. With our modernisation solutions this work is no longer necessary. Renovation threshold rail Replaces the old threshold rail of an up-and-over door for a clean seal with the garage floor. Recess set The set consists of a compensation profile and special track applications. The frame must be shortened by 25 mm if the set is used. This can either be ordered in the desired dimensions or shortened on site. Reno RZ set ■ NEW The rear part of the plastic frame shoe is notched so that it can be fitted on the floor rail of the old up-and-over door. The set consists of a special buffer piece and a specially shaped bottom seal that neatly seals the door in front of the threshold rail. 81 HÖRMANN