Hörmann Sectional Garage Doors 2021
Infill variations Clear synthetic glazing from Hörmann comes as standard with DURATEC glazing. It offers you decisive advantages: • A permanently clear view • Improved thermal insulation Glazing variations Glazing variants for steel sectional doors Classic glazing S0 1) Classic glazing M0 1) Classic glazing L0 1) Classic glazing S1 Classic glazing S2 Sunrise glazing S10 3) Sunrise glazing S60 4) (left door half shown) Glazing type D 1) Aluminium light strips 2) Infill variations for aluminium frame doors and aluminium light strips Polycarbonate double pane, clear Synthetic double pane, clear Synthetic double pane, white tinted (opal / clear) Synthetic double pane, crystal structure Multiple-moulded pane Synthetic double pane, brown tinted Synthetic double pane, grey tinted PU sandwich infill, smooth PU sandwich infill, Stucco Perforated stainless steel sheet Stainless steel expanded mesh Crimped mesh Welded grille Glazings (1 to 8, 10) correspond to a door width of 2500 mm 1) Individual arrangement of glazings is possible 2) Rails are possible 3) Door width 2130 – 2750 mm 4) Door width 4751 – 5500 mm Glazings Steel sectional doors, aluminium frame doors Only from Hörmann Duratec Extremely scratch-resistant 59 HÖRMANN
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